Our Mission
Nurturing Businesses in Developing Countries to Benefit Communities, Churches, and Employees
The Business Professional Network helps real businesses overseas conduct themselves with integrity, create jobs, model righteous behavior in leadership, practice justice, challenge corruption, care for the poor, donate to their local churches, and establish sustainable business systems.

BAM Training
Business Professional Network regularly participates in Business as Mission conferences, hosts BAM workshops overseas, consults BAM startups, and teaches Business as Mission curriculum in colleges and universities across the globe.

Business Funding
We direct donated funds to MED and SME loan programs and partner with agencies who provide accountability and support to loan recipients. Pictured above: winners of the 2019 business plan contest by GC3 in Latvia earned 3,000€ in funding.
Latest News
The Seed Capital Project
“Make it your ambition to lead a quite life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders, and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” I Thessalonians 4:11-12 The Seed Capital project is simply
September. 11. 2020 -
Steelhead Brushes
June. 19. 2017
President of BPN, John Warton Teaches in Rwanda, Africa
Business Professional Network holds BAM conferences around the world. The Business as Mission (BAM) movement believes that starting and maintaining productive profitable businesses is the 21st century strategy for ending poverty, expanding missions, and growing the global church.
Our Impact is International
Rural poor in Latin America face low commodity prices in the globalized markets and hard growing conditions. Worse by far is the gang violence which threatens the very lives of those unwilling to cooperate. Often the police are intimidated too, or even complicit. Today farmers in just such a context are finding new hope. “New Hope Farm” is helping them plant fruits and vegetables for domestic markets as well as export. Young trees are being provided by an export company, along with the training of an agronomist. The critical factor? A Godly mentor is overseeing it all, teaching the Bible to the farmers and their families, and leading them in prayers for their crops, their community, their churches.

A business student at BIOLA University, Samuel Mendez spent his summer interning with BPN, who frequently partners with MED/SME loan programs that have a close relationship with churches in South America. Reflecting on his internship, Samuel said, “The thing that really gets me about micro-financing is that it takes time. It takes time from being nothing to building something… to develop a vision and dream instead of simply settling for someone’s compassion and support.”

Overseas Missionary Fellowship International invited BPN Board President, John Warton, to speak at their Partnership for Asia Conference which supports missionaries in a variety of endeavors. BPN knows there are strategic ministry advantages for Christian professionals to serve the Lord through their business, especially in countries like China, Bhutan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and others. John spoke on Business as Mission, showing how business is becoming the prime strategy for contemporary evangelism. He also lead a small group workshop, detailing 7 proven models businesses use around the world to spread God’s love and mercy.

BPN partners with agencies “on the ground” who provide training and accountability to each loan recipient. This helps ensure entrepreneurs will be successful and loan capital goes further. In 1999, Vasile Popan received his first small loan of just a few hundred dollars from CAMED and began a small sausage production. Seeing the hand of God in this opportunity, he committed his business to Him. Vasile was able to hire more than 20 employees, won a national award for sausage quality in 2005, and supplies free sausages to local orphanages! With proceeds from his business, he is able to build a sustainable operation and donate back to his local church community.

BPN loaned Raul $1000 and he immediately fell behind on his payments. FUNSALDE loan officers determined he would have a better chance at his business with $2,000 to leverage. They INCREASED his loan and Raul’s business turned around immediately because he was able to employ more workers. He expanded to over 12 cites with nearly 30 employes in his Christ-centered recycling operation – despite his family facing death threats and violence from local gangs.

Together, BPN and Integra Ventures invited 65 entrepreneurs to participate in a highly-interactive, all-day discussion. Participants from a variety of industries including manufacturing, agriculture, accounting, law, consulting, real estate, and more gathered to learn what made successful businesses. Presenters from around the world spoke on topics such as clarity of vision, applying the truth of the Bible to the corporate world, marketing communications, seeing the customer’s perspective, and more. Ultimately, BPN helps small businesses make profits and further God’s purpose while thriving in the face of corruption.

Resources for Entrepreneurs
Business Power for God’s Purpose will greatly inspire any and all who are called by God into the marketplace. Discover how your work can witness for Christ and fulfill our Christian responsibility for the completion of the Great Commission.
On Kingdom Business: Transforming Missions through Entrepreneurial Strategies proposes a new model for using business to expand Christ’s reach. This book reveals practical methodoligies to make an impact in the real world.